Foundations Course


基礎課程是加入 Hongtai CrossFit 的必修課,也是您踏入 CrossFit 訓練的第一步。我們將帶領學員學習基本動作與核心訓練概念,確保每位學員能夠安全並有效地參與後續的團體課程。

  • 6 堂 1 對 1 的基礎課程:由 CrossFit 認證教練指導 CrossFit 的 12 個基礎動作,以及團體課程中常見的其他各種動作。(此 6 堂課程與教練約定每堂課的上課時間)

  • 1 個月會籍:當您完成 6 堂 1 對 1 基礎課程後,隔天起算一個月的時間,可以將基礎課程所學的動作,在團體課程中安全的練習,並且慢慢的融入社群中

*6 堂 1 對 1 課程(需於45 天內完成)+ 1 個月會籍( 30 天),基礎課程總使用期限最多 75 天。


  • 基礎課程 — 新臺幣 12,000 元。

  • 若您對課程有任何疑問,或是報名課程,請填寫下方表格。


The Foundations Course includes:

The Foundations Course provides a strong introduction to the CrossFit Foundational Movements and regular group CrossFit classes. Foundations classes are structured just like our regular CrossFit classes and are driven by the traditional CrossFit methodology of “constantly varied functional movements executed at high intensity.” The Foundations Course is required for anyone new to CrossFit before they may sign up for regular group CrossFit classes.

  • Six private, one-on-one foundation sessions with a certified CrossFit trainer. These sessions will teach the 12 Foundational Movements of CrossFit as well as other common CrossFit movements. (The six sessions are scheduled individually with the coach.)

  • One month of guided CrossFit classes. Once you complete the six one-on-one Fundamentals sessions, your one-month membership will begin the following day. This allows you safely practice the movements learned in Fundamentals within group classes and gradually integrate into the community.

*Includes six one-on-one sessions (must be completed within 45 days) + a one-month membership (30 days). The total validity period for the Fundamentals Course is up to 75 days.

Pricing & Registration:

  • The fee is 12,000 NTD and must be paid in full before starting the first class.

  • If you have any questions about the course or would like to register, please fill out the form below.

    We look forward to starting this exciting training journey with you!