Hongtai HYROX

See what the Hongtai Hysociety looks like

HYROX 於 2017 年在德國推出,是全球成長最快的健身運動。 HYROX 將運動與功能性健身相結合,吸引了耐力型運動員和健身愛好者。活動的設計確保參與者能夠按照自己的步調進行,而不必擔心做得太慢,從而營造一個充滿支持和包容氛圍的社群。

HYROX, launched 2017 in Germany, is the fastest-growing fitness sport on the planet. HYROX combines athletics and functional fitness, appealing to endurance athletes and gym-goers alike. Its inclusive format ensures participants can run at their own pace without fear of finishing last, fostering a supportive and inclusive community atmosphere.


  • 星期一,晚上07點15,跑步俱樂部 Mondays at 07:15 PM - Running Club

  • 星期六,上午10點00,有氧運動 Saturdays at 10:00 AM - HYROX (MetCon)

  • 星期日,中午12點00,有氧運動 Sundays at 12:00 PM - HYROX (MetCon)

  • 星期日,下午01點30,力量或跑步 Sundays at 13:30 PM - HYROX (Strength or Run)

請注意,所有 HYROX 課程皆為英文教學。


  • 1 堂課 — 新台幣 900 元。(1 class — 900 NTD)

  • 若您對課程有任何疑問,或是報名課程,請填寫下方表格。HYROX 無免費體驗。(If you have any questions about the course or would like to register, please fill out the form below. HYROX No Free trial.)

*收到申請之後我們會回信給您確認預約。有時候我們的信件會被誤判為垃圾郵件而無法寄到您的收件匣。建議您檢查您的垃圾郵件,並將我們的電子信件標記為「非垃圾郵件」,以確保日後您可以正常收到我們的信件。這樣您就不會錯過任何精彩的資訊和優惠了!(After receiving your request, we will send you a confirmation email. Sometimes our emails may be misjudged as spam and cannot be delivered to your inbox. We suggest you check your spam folder and mark our email as “not spam” to ensure that you can receive our emails in the future. This way, you won’t miss any exciting information or offers!)

*欲購買 1 堂課以外的方案,必須先完成基礎課程。(To purchase any package beyond a single class, you must first complete the Foundations Course.)